Saturday, May 12, 2007

Where To Buy Brucci Lipstick

[Eltech] Moodle as a "teacher"

So my dear readers, respectively, to address the majority of you non-readers!
Generally I think this is a "recursive paradox" means. Is only speculation on my part ...

In any case I've tried level to create the first task of the seminar in Moodle as a teacher-in-law. Is really not so simple. Man is killed simply by the various advanced options. Each wrong click on a keyword link one astray. Even reading the very boring written blog entries, the processor since the last week helped much. After all I fell in most because of the length and variety of being evil poor little eyes to the entries (no offense, dudes!). Nothing I have nevertheless tried durchzufuchsen. And to be honest, the best (I think), you get the point through learning by doing. Try to delete fail, try again fail, again, again, delete (this loop to eight times), and then finally you get a fairly passable result. The fictitious seminar materials I've actually uploaded, and also a small improvised text's eight seminars I could write. Just how hinkriegt as a heading and not the entire text is available, could not I find out. Maybe someday ... So if you somehow should also be interested in the slightest, will you look with your grandiose TU account (like, you do not have?? ^ _ ^) The teacher's room "e-learning technology training room", in the eighth meeting will be my mental outpourings!

So, that's it for now, I hear now on the latest album "So Divided" by ... And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. Very good album by the way (product placement). Coming this year, for Highfield quite here in the near Ilmenau, so get out there! I'm also here:)

Moodle space "e-learning technology training room", see Seminar 8
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